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    How Often Should I Replace My Prescription Glasses?

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    How Often Should I Replace My Prescription Glasses?

    This question is more complicated than it seems at first glance. The experts at Payne Glasses have a few other questions to pose that will help you determine how often to replace your prescription eyewear.

    Learn what’s best for you by answering these five questions.

    When Was Your Last Eye Exam?

    If you can’t remember when your last eye exam was, you’re likely overdo for check-up. Most eye doctors recommend an exam every year to not only update your prescription but check the health of your eyes as well. Many insurance plans cover annual eye exams, so there’s not much reason to put it off. This is the best place to start when you’re considering buying new eyewear. Part of the conversation with your eye doctor should focus on whether you need to replace your glasses, plus what type of lenses they recommend for your unique needs. Your doctor may recommend a new pair if your prescription or eye health has changed. If there was little or no change to your prescription, you might want to get a new pair as a back-up.

    Are Your Lenses Scratched?

    Scratches often appear on glasses lenses as if by magic. Lots of environmental and lifestyle factors can cause scratched lenses, from misunderstanding how to clean glasses properly to dropping them on rough surfaces or tossing them into a bag without their protective case. While scratched lenses won’t necessarily harm your vision, they are annoying. And they can cause eyestrain or headaches when your eyes try to focus on the scratches instead of the world around you. If your glasses lenses are scratched, that’s a clear signal to go for a new pair.

    Are You Having Headaches or Blurred Vision?

    If you’re squinting to try and make the television or computer screen clearer, its likely time for a new glasses prescription. Likewise, set up an appointment if street signs seem blurrier when you’re driving or restaurant menus seem more and more difficult to read. Blurred vision is generally a sign that your prescription needs have changed, though it can also be a symptom of more serious health concerns, like diabetes or multiple sclerosis. Your eye doctor will check for additional signs of these and other diseases during a routine eye exam. Headaches can also be a signal that you’re wearing glasses with an outdated prescription and might need to replace them.

    How Do Your Glasses Fit Your Current Style?

    Even without a change in your prescription lens needs, it may be time to update the look of your glasses. If your style has changed or you’ve gained or lost weight, the glasses you’re wearing may no longer represent who you are. Since glasses are one of the first things people are likely to notice about you, it’s important to look into a new pair that does. And while retro and vintage styles are having a moment, the frames you got four years ago probably don’t reflect current trends. Finding a pair of glasses that are the right size for your face and complement your personal style doesn’t have to be a chore. At Payne Glasses, you can do it from the comfort of your couch without breaking the bank.



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