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    How Are Prescription Glasses Made?

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    Ever wonder what is actually involved in making a new pair of prescription glasses? There’s more to it than meets the eye. Read about the process below, and you’ll understand why Payne Glasses is so enthusiastic about our ability to provide high-performance, comfortable prescription glasses at manufacturing prices.

    Modern Eyeglasses Production

    The first-ever eyeglasses were made during the 13th century in Northern Italy, though this was based on a much earlier 11th-century discovery that a piece of convex glass would magnify written letters. Fast forward to the present Age of Technology, where the creation of prescription eyeglass lenses is accomplished with streamlined, computer-aided automation. Nonetheless, there are still many human components involved.

    After receiving an order for prescription eyeglasses, the selected frames are inspected for quality, and their stock glass lenses are removed. A precision machine is used to measure the shape of the lens that will be required. Depending on the individual prescription, a thick block of semi-finished lens material called a lens blank – made from polycarbonate plastic or glass – is selected. The backside of this lens blank is cut to order to fit the exact parameters required. This is done with the aid of a computer to ensure the lens power is exact.

    It used to be that people with very strong prescriptions could only wear thick, heavy lenses capable of achieving that level of refractive correction. Fortunately, at Payne Glasses, our 1.74 high-index technology allows even the strongest-power corrective prescriptions to be produced in the thinnest, lightest and most comfortable lenses.

    Customizing Lenses for Added Features

    Polishing tools – designed in all possible optical curvatures – are employed to machine-polish the lens prior to its being cut to fit the frame. The type of polishing automation varies among manufacturers. Before cutting, special lens treatments are applied. Therefore, if the order involves tinting or some other type of coating, the polished lens is dipped into various solutions to achieve these features. This might include lenses designed to change shades according to ambient light levels, or lenses that won’t scratch easily.

    On this note, Payne has been a North American forerunner in offering light-responsive blue light blocking lenses that protect the eyes from high energy visible light (HEV) radiated by the sun and electronic devices such as computers and cell phones. These specialty lenses also adjust their tint to accommodate all types of outdoor lighting.

    light-responsive blue light blocking lenses

    The Finished Lens is Fit into the Frame

    After specialty treatment, the lens undergoes a computerized measurement in order to prepare and trace it for cutting, according to the axis measurements needed for the lens within the selected frame. The lens is then blocked for glazing, or cutting. Finally, a machine accurately cuts the shape and finishes the edges, with workers supervising quality and order adherence along the way. The final lens is fit into its frame by hand. This involves making sure all the edges are properly beveled, and that there are no flaws whatsoever in the lens. The frame is heated slightly to form around the lens for a snug fit. More quality checks are done by hand and with the aid of machines before the finished glasses are shipped to the eyecare professional.

    The Payne Glasses Mission

    By eliminating extra charges for various lens features, Payne Glasses keeps to its mission of providing the best quality and value to all our customers. Our eyeglasses price includes 1.56 index lenses, which is 15% thinner than the 1.50 index standard, along with UV blocking technology and anti-scratch coatings.


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